Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have mouldy toe nails will they fall off?

iv had mouldy toe nails for the last 2 years they have become green and black and re getting very crusty and brittle

please help me what shul i dooo???I have mouldy toe nails will they fall off?
lmfao you're disgusting.

perhaps BATHING once in a while might help.I have mouldy toe nails will they fall off?
You need to soak your toe nails in yellow (apple cider) vinegar for about 5 minutes every day for a year. You've got toe nail fungus and it took time to develop so it will take time to get rid of. Use fresh vinegar every time you soak and apply Tea Tree Oil after every soaking.

To make it easy, you could soak cotton balls and put them on ALL your toes... even if not all toes are affected, the unaffected ones can become infected just because of proximity. The fungus is there, it will attack something. After soaking, keep your toes dry, fungus loves warm, damp, dark, enclosed areas. If you frequent a public gym, always wear flip-flops in the showers!!!!!!!!

Get rid of ALL your closed toed shoes, but after you see your toes are healing (after about 6 months you'll realize the new nail growing in is a better color and quality), you can buy new shoes. Wear sandals as much as possible... expose your toes to sunlight. If you wear socks, use hot, hot water and bleach to wash them, or you'll keep reinfecting yourself.

Have patience, it takes a whole year for a toenail to grow off, there's no quick fix, unless you want to see a foot doc and have your toenails removed...
I think you need a pedicure. They always help and relief your feet. Ask the technician if they sell anti-fungal medicine.
You must impress females with all that fungus, your nasty fix it. .

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