Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How can I cure an infected toe after visit to nail salon?

So I went in for my regularly scheduled visit to the nail salon. I only had a pedicure because I am pregnant and my toes are hard to reach. Anyway, I immediately felt an intense pain when the manicurist took out the corners of my nail. (I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about.) So throughout the day, I continued to be extra sensitive in the meaty area sorrounding my nail in my big toe. The next day it was swollen, and painful. Has anybody ever had this problem, and if so how did you cure it? .. thanks.How can I cure an infected toe after visit to nail salon?
I am actually dealing with the exact same problem right now. I got a pedicure on Saturday morning, and by Saturday night, my toe was hurting. By Sunday night, it hurt so much it woke me up in the middle of the night. But it's getting better now. Here's what I am doing for it:

1) I'm soaking it in VERY hot salt water (five or ten minutes, three times a day). To get the water hot enough, I add boiling water to hot tap water so it's so hot I have to dip the toe in and out until I can finally stand to leave it in. The heat draws the pus to the surface so you can eventually get it out, which will allow the infection to heal.

2) After soaking, I take a cotton ball saturated in hydrogen peroxide and push it into the space between the toe nail and the side of the toe. As I do this, I pull the skin away from the nail to try to force any pus out of the infection. I got quite a bit of pus out of it today, and I'll keep up what I'm doing until it is either totally well or gets worse (in which case, I'll go to the doctor).

If you have trouble reaching your toe, perhaps your husband or a friend can help you treat it. But if it doesn't feel and look noticeably better in a day or two, I think you should see a doctor.

Good luck!How can I cure an infected toe after visit to nail salon?
Yes but on my finger Paronychia (Nail Infection

it happen to me from my understanding its an infection cause by trauma. In a few days my finger was swallen and pus started to build up. I had to go to the doctor for them to drain it and give me antibotic. the worst thing is this happen in like january and it came back like 3 times this year.

My doctor says once it happens it can easily come back. Good luck I if its the same thing I know it hurts. hope you dont hav

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