Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can cats have toe nails cut?

they can but i would take them to the vet. thats where i take mine.xCan cats have toe nails cut?
Yup! I cut my two cats' nails. It's so much better than declawing, and it's keeps you from getting scratched up.Can cats have toe nails cut?
You can purchase special clippers to trim the nails, just make sure you only get the tip. If you can catch them while they are sleeping it may be easier. You can also purchase tips to go over their nails to prevent scratching. If you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, or your cat won't let you , your vet office will do this for a small fee or even Petsmart offers this service as long as the cat is up to date on vaccines.
yup. we do it with our cat all the time. You have to use the specail ';scissors'; made just for cats nails though (if u didnt know that already) what works for us, because our cat can put up quite a fuss, is we usually give him ';Fansy Feast'; soft food (just as a treat while we r cutting his nails) then, he gets pretty pre-occupied eating the food, so one person holds him, and then another carefully cuts his nails. you have to be careful though because you DONT wanna cut the part of the nail thats red, because your cats nail will bleed. Also, DONT GET UR CAT(s) DECLAWED!! if us humans got declawed, it wouldnt be just taking our nails off, if would be removing part of our finger! talk about painful! Also, cats and kittens are born to use nails and attack things (toys), and using scratching posts.(which feel good on their nails by the way) all of this, and just playing in general is key to a kittens/cats life. however, they cant do many of these things without their nails. so, dont get your cat (s) declawed, just ';trimmed'; with those special scissors that you can find at the vet, or any pet supply store.

good luck!
kitties can be de-clawed...i dont know about cutting toenails....first of all...they dont have toes they have paws/feet :p
I think cats need their claws for defense, however, cats can be declawed.
yes but please do noe try to do this yourself? ask a vet to do it for you! yes it is really cheap and quick so dont be worried about the expence! if you have a regular good vet they may not even charge you
Yes,but its best not to do them youself,let the vet. They have blood vessel in the nail, and if you cut too short, it can be risky
Yes, ask your vet's assistant to show you how if you are nervous it is only around five dollars. My vet uses human nail clippers, he says he has more control than the animal clippers. I also heard on the radio from a vet that if your cat is the nervous type start by touching his feet every day to start with, then do one toe or foot at a time until he gets used to the process. Luckily my cat is cool with it and allows me to cut his nails. I jsut snip the tips, they get sharp and form into little points. I snip the tips off with the nail cutters.
yes they can just be careful only to trim the very ends off not too much or u cut the vein and they bleed at the end of the claw u can see a red bit thats the vein so if u trim above that its ok but most cats do it themselves by scaratchin wood fences etc
Yes they can. In fact, some people prefer to do that rather than have the kitty declawed.
yes, but you have to be very careful. do not cut below the faint line you see in their claw. or, just cut they tip if they are an outdoor cat.. its sad for an outdoor cat to have little or no nails.

they need to defend themselves hehe. Do it every 2-3 weeks i do beleive.
Absolutely yes!! Bring your cat to a local groomer so they can show you how to do it properly the first time and then you can take over from there.
YES!!! there is a special toenail tool you can buy at any store even grocery stores just cut the tips off. or the next time you take it to the vet ask them to trim the nails for you it is like a 5$ charge.
no impossible they just have claws which they use for hunting
You can purchase cat clippers in pet stores and it is very easy to do.I trim my kittys claws every couple of weeks,the first time I took him to the vets and paid 14 pounds for the pleasure so decided to do it myself.Just take off the ends as if you cut down too far you can make them bleed,as you would with human nails.

I'ts a good way to bond with your cat and they also get used to having their feet and claws handled.
Umm,this has already been answered but I thought I'd chime in as my cat had his toenails/pawnails/pawclaws cut this morning. The vet did them for a couple of quid. He didn't mind the front ones getting done but complained about the back ones.
Well, unless they're an indoor cat or vicious i don't really see why you would need it, their claws should be kept short naturally when their outside climbing trees etc. and when they scratch their scratching post.
Yes they can... I clip mine (in house kittys)
Yes you can clip your cat's nails. If you don't know how, make sure to consult your vet first otherwise your cat might get hurt and then he will never trust you with the nail clippers again. Fortunately my cat adores my nail file, so when I file my nails I also file the tips of hers. The nails has many layers. So if I file the tip off, the rest of that layer will peel off giving way for a new layer. Just be careful not to cut or file (if your cat will allow it) the nails to short if the cat wanders around outdoors because they need their claws to protect themselves and to climb trees. For this reason please do not de-claw your cat if it goes outdoors.
yes, especially when they get older and less actif they don't schratch their nails schort anymore so then its up to you to do it elderly cats is mainly from the age of 12
YES, you can trim your kitties claws, both front and back. When you trim the claws, though, be careful to only take the tip. Don't cut where the pink part of the claw is, or you'll cause bleeding and pain for your cat. Most cats don't like to have their claws trimmed, though you can train them to tolerate it if you play with their paws a lot, rubbing and massaging them, especially when they're kittens. I've found that the best time to trim my kitties' claws are when they're fast asleep -- it's like a mild anesthesia, and they are much less likely to fight. I'd also suggest you don't force the cat to allow the claw trimming -- you can cause distrust and believe me, you can get scratched! There are special clippers available for trimming a cat's claws, but I've found they are more difficult to maneuver than fingernail clippers. Finally, I wouldn't recommend declawing -- it's not just the claw that is removed; it is actually amputation of the first joint of the cat's ';fingers';, and can be painful and cause behavorial problems. Good luck!
duh............... but u have to be care ful because cats move suddenly.
Yes.. you have to careful not to cut the quick, (its the little blood vessel that runs through the nail) if your cat lets you and you are confident you can do it yourself or the vet can do it for you.. there are plenty of animal nail clippers available in pet shops..
no they have claws :)
You shouldn't need to. Cat's claws are supposed to be sharp, and they keep them the right length themselves.

Declawing is a barbaric practice something similar to having the ends of your children's fingers amputated to stop them picking their noses.
Yes they can be ,should start at a young age , clippers can be gotten at any pet store .

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