Friday, May 14, 2010

What do u think whem guys paint there toe nails?

GAYWhat do u think whem guys paint there toe nails?
to each there own whatever makes a person happyWhat do u think whem guys paint there toe nails?
i don't mind if the color fits the lipstick
thats so fricken weird but theres only one word to express that GEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, I think they are weird....was married to one, and thank god he did it after I divorced him, and saw it and it repulsed me...are you gay, or bi? Why do you want to paint your toe must be mighty young, and don't look at how people perceive you when you do this, if you show it off in sandals or something..some like it, but, personally, I think it's a woman's thing, or someone who is bi or gay.
Depends on the color
Well, I guess that if a guy was painting his nails clear or with a nutritive nail polish (to make them less brittle) it would be ok. After all, he is just making them look healthier. Any other colors would be kind of Boy George-ish.
they were drunk

they were having fun

they were at a fun party

they were with women

they are drag performers

they are doing a project to be more aware of their feet.

my husband once polished his toenails to prove to me that it wouldn't flake off (mine were always flaking off and i was complaining so he tried it just to see) and other reasons like that.
I think they're crazy.
Nobody gives a rat's azz what you do with your toe nails. But for god sakes, use proper english. The word is wheN and THEIR.
They were sleeping when their girlfriend painted them, they are gay, or they part of a weird group.
If it's a clear nail conditioning one there's nothing wrong with it! I wish more guys would take care of their nasty toes! (If thats not opening me up to some feedback from guys!! But come on you know its true, take a look at 'em guys!)
I think that's weird. But whatever, right?
not my thing... but whatever floats ya boat...
gross, please tell me u don't!
Eeeeeewwwww! Drag queen! j/k

Do what you want to do with your body. Still, it seems... just wrong.
I thinks its pretty gay! If some dude painted their toe nails and needed a favor from me, like a car ride or something. I'd say, get that crap off your toes and I'll help you!!
Whem guys paint there toe nails dem be gurly men.
gay gay way gay gayer than me gay
i think they're gay. (:
same thing as nail polish.

1. he's gay.

2. he's a nice brother.

3. his gf told him to do it.
I think a nice clearcoat is completely acceptable. I'm not sure about doing an actual color though. Personally, I wouldn't place a color on my toes... but hey.. whatever does it for ya!
i think they are off in their upper story.i mean,why would a guy wear paint on their toe nails.

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