Amazingly the flour actually works. I did that once. Only I just used pressure till it stopped and that was over a year ago. After that he wouldn't let me trim his nails without my husband's help.
Look into getting the dremel tool with the right attachment for trimming dog toenails. It works well and is less damaging to the nail end than the standard nail clippers are. There's also a specialized doggie nail trimmer that's a drill made just for that purpose. -!-Cutting dogs toe nails?…
... from the previous link ... ';What To Do If You Cut Too Short!!
Place a tiny piece of tissue paper tightly against the end of the nail and hold it for a few minutes. Better yet, have some Quick Stop Powder available and put a small amount up against the bleeding end of the nail. This works right away. Or... do nothing. The bleeding will stop in about 5 to 7 minutes. Any more than that...give your veterinarian a call. ';
... info on how to dremel your dog's nails ...…
hi, not to panic as my vet told me if i did not to worry, it will stop. If any one is bleeding you always apply pressure, and hold it higher than the heart. But by now i expect it has finished anyway. You can by liquid drops at good pet shops which you apply to the nail if it bleeds , this swill help the blood to clot and stop the bleeding. In a way the same as a mans shaving stick they use when they cut them self's. When you cut the nail if you can see the vein that's great then you no when to stop going down, but if your dog is like me and they are black it is hard. My vet always make my dog bleed. Some doggy hair dresses offer nail cutting service for about £2, maybe you could try them. Good luck, and hope everything is ok now.
Use styptic powder if you have some. Just be careful in the future when you're cutting your dog's toenails, especially smaller breed dogs, as it is very painful for them. It is like cutting your fingernails too short. My husband cut my chi's nail into the quick and he didn't walk on that one paw for a good 2 weeks -- that's how painful it is for them.
Nails seem to bleed forever. Not to worry, flour or cornstarch and applying pressure (with a paper towel pressed %26amp; held on the bleeding nail) will do the trick.
For the future you can get ';Kwik Stop'; from any pet supply. It is a styptic powder to clot and stop bleeding. It stings like crazy when it's applied, so don't expect your dog to love this stuff.
Yes, Flour works. It works because it clogs up the blood vessel and soaks up anything coming, and it will just stop the bleeding until the wound heals itself. Also, it's harmless.
A good way to help keep your doggies toenails down so you don't have to trim them as much, is to just play ball or fetch, or walk on concrete or pavement.
Hope you have fun with your dog!!
Take a little bit of flour and put the nail in it. It should help stop the bleeding.
Get some styptic powder. You shouldn't need the vet for this one but you have to be able to get it under control soon.
Flour, just like other people suggested.
baking powder or cornstarch also works
If you have quick stop that will work or call your vet and ask him what you should do
always look for the '; Quick '; and never cut past it
have you tried taking your dog for a walk so you dont have to cut them?
Omg. There is a vein in the nail. If the toenail is cut too short, you can use a styptic pencil containing silver nitrate, or stypic powder. Wet a cutip, dip in the powder, and apply to the bleeding nail. Even without any treatment the nail should stop bleeding in about 5 minutes or less.I’m very sorry to hear of the accident, I know it must have been very frightening for you. I’ve done the same and have felt really bad. Get yourself a pair of clippers that has a guard tab so you can only cut a small portion of her nail. I’ll include a web site link to show you what I’m referring to.
It’s probably a “little” tender for her, but it’s nothing serious. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t start bleeding again. If she gets it real dirty, (example:digging in the dirt) I’d rinse it off. A saline solution (for rinsing contact lens) is the BEST for this or to clean a cut because it is sterile. I always keep this on hand!
Other than that it’ll be fine sweetie! Even the vet’s cut them too short sometimes, so don’t feel bad. I use to cut my boy’s nails until my ex-husband nearly cut half his nail off*rolls eyes*! I wanted to smack him up side his head!!! But I was too busy because it bled enormously.
So I let the Vet do it because he’s hesitant on allowing me to now. Your girl might be the same, so next time you cut them, take it real slow with her. For some reason this is something they do not forget!
As I’m sure you know, always keep styptic powder to stop the bleeding if an accident happens. You can use flour, but the other is the best. With her being so little a better choice is the nail sticks. I’ll give you links to show ya what these products are. I’m NOT promoting the seller, only showing you the product.
I found this link that I thought was interesting!
Nail clipper:
Now here’s a nifty nail clipper that I haven’t seen!!!:
Styptic Powder:
Pet swabs:
I hope that your baby girl is fine now and that I’ve been helpful. I COMPLETELY understand how it feels to be frightened when your baby has been injured! BIG HUG to you and her!
go to the vets
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